Represent yourself! In this episode, Antonio Centeno joins Brian to discuss personal branding. He has a fascinating backstory, from a U.S. Marine to Philosophy major at Cornell to an entrepreneur, Antonio now finds himself in the niche of a lifestyle...
Represent yourself! In this episode, Antonio Centeno joins Brian to discuss personal branding. He has a fascinating backstory, from a U.S. Marine to Philosophy major at Cornell to an entrepreneur, Antonio now finds himself in the niche of a lifestyle and business coach, His approach to personal branding is not outlandish, it's not absurdly expensive, it's actually based on a very customizable approach to dressing: Find It, Own It. By establishing some basic parameters, like wearing clothes that fit, Antonio demonstrates that transitioning into a person brand isn't all that difficult.
Antonio Centeno is the founder of Real Men Real Style and a co-founder of Menfluential, a men's lifestyle and business conference. He has created thousands of articles & videos on men's style and is the creator of the internet's best style course for professionals - The Personal Image Blueprint.
Though Antonio's advice is geared mostly toward men, a lot of the principles he defines are excellent advice to both men and women. Perhaps most of his videos, like What Does Your Facial Hair Signal and 20 Things Men Should Never Wear, aren't exactly translatable between genders, but his tips extend beyond specifically dressing better. Antonio has a ton of resources around communication skills, traveling, and, most significantly mindset (like How To Reset A Bad Day). Go check out his website! NOW!