March 3, 2017

20: Focus on the Unicorn’s Horn | Shoes | Chocolate | Basketball | A new people group | Personalities

20: Focus on the Unicorn’s Horn | Shoes | Chocolate | Basketball | A new people group | Personalities

Happy Superhero Friday! In the latest anything-goes installment of The Real Brian show we get another peek inside the lives of Mr. and Mrs. The Real Brian. From the health benefits of turmeric and chocolate to the importance of dressing nicely (and...

Happy Superhero Friday! In the latest anything-goes installment of The Real Brian show we get another peek inside the lives of Mr. and Mrs. The Real Brian. From the health benefits of turmeric and chocolate to the importance of dressing nicely (and the incredible challenges at Brian's size 14 shoes!) to exploring the differences of personalities with the help of personality tests, we cover a lot of ground today.

In this Episode

  • What have you been drinking?
  • Music recommendations! (Check out Jamiroquai and Ellogram)
  • Turmeric, chocolate and eating healthy
  • John Wick 2
  • Don't judge me by my shoes!
  • Personalities make the world go round.
  • Groot

Unicorn Stag

Unicorn's Horn

The unicorn's horn is steeped in legendary mystique. There are early writings about unicorns that originally assigned healing properties to it. (It's a story about a snake poisoning a lake which many animals were drinking from. The unicorn makes the sign of the cross with its horn before drinking from the lake itself. The poison becomes harmless and all the animals can drink again.) In general, though, unicorns, though myth, have a lot of symbolism attached to them; wild, but full of grace and representing purity. There is also something to be said about the historical accounts of hunting for unicorns and the fake evidence around alleged sightings.

Unicorns have come to represent a new concept in our culture, that of some higher form of idealism. As an picturesque creature whose presence has evaded eyewitness account, no one loses hope that it's still out there somewhere. They also bear a connotation of over-the-top happiness (i.e. ever heard someone say, "I hope unicorns fart rainbows all over your day?" Me neither.).

So what's the big deal? Some forms of mythology, in modern culture, are not only accepted but celebrated; perhaps not necessarily accepted as truth, but accepted and discussed nearly as though they are so. Talking about unicorns or the Greek gods are useful tools in order to represent abstract concepts in a more concrete way.

We like to have fun here at The Real Brian Show, but we also want to help you form concrete thoughts around abstract concepts. Sometimes trying to eat healthy sounds like a big job with many moving parts. Well, just about every week we have some bit of information that can help you make a healthy choice instead of an unhealthy one. Sometimes fighting with a best friend or significant other can make the world feel too small and too complex, but just about every week we have conversations about how people are different and the decisions that are made to help bridge those gaps.

Focus on the unicorn's horn, for a bit, and think about what sort of healing properties you need to bring into your life. Those properties are so different from one person to another, there is no one-size-fits-all. After you've done some soul searching, come back and tell us about it!

The Shadow's 514 Mix on Spotify

Looking for some new music? Check out The Real Brian's spotify playlist.